Sterling’s staff and partners reach out to and respond with compassion to the needs of those around us. Our bottom line is multi-threaded, meaning our positive impact on the world is just as important to us as our balance sheet. 



In an effort to support our employees and the things they are concerned with, Sterling sponsors a number of programs both locally and abroad. For example: financial incentives for employees wanting to participate in the Great American Smoke Out and/or Marriage Team Coaching services. Collaborative sponsorship of orphans with our clients. Matching dollars for employee contributions to disaster relief fund raising events.


Local Outreach

Here are a few of the ministries we are passionate about supporting. We encourage you to check them out and find ways to get involved.

Africa New LifeCoLabor MinistriesLiving Water InternationalCatalyst NWKindred PartnersDestiny MinistriesHumaniNet • The Identity Project • Safe FamiliesTransitional YouthVetRESTYoung Life


On Mission

Oaxaca, Mexico - Albuquerque, New Mexico - Haiti - Rwanda - India - South Africa. Sterling’s benefits program includes both a financial and paid time-off component to encourage and support employees when they engage in National and International Humanitarian Aid Projects.